THE Blueprint for Ocean Climate Action

In order to support the administration as it drafts its ocean climate action plan, leading ocean and environmental organizations have compiled the Blueprint for Ocean Climate Action, a suite of comprehensive policy recommendations.

Focusing on 12 key policy areas, the blueprint outlines clear actions to improve sustainability, resilience, conservation, equity, and justice.

Take Action

Amplify the Blueprint on social media:

  • By signing the Inflation Reduction Act, President Biden proved himself as a climate leader. Now, @POTUS can prove he is an ocean-climate CHAMPION by implementing the solutions in the Blueprint for #OceanClimateAction:

  • The ocean is one of our greatest allies in combating climate change, providing nature-based solutions that would curb and protect us from climate change. The Blueprint for #OceanClimateAction lays out ways the administration can create climate-resilient communities now: